About Us

Barbara Stanwyck – The Queen website was created for many reasons, the most important, because Barbara Stanwyck deserves it. She gave us so many wonderful moments on Screen that we wanted, in our own humble way, to repay the favor and keep her legacy and memory alive and available to old and new generations of viewers. When I “discovered” Barbara Stanwyck, The Queen, a few years ago, I was surprised to see that out of the major Classic Era Stars, Stanwcyk was one of the few that did not have a major Site dedicated to her. Maybe because she was too private, maybe her family worried about other things. In any case, there was a void that needed to be filled.

This Site is intended as an educational resource for any Stanwyck admirer, researcher or student, a one-stop, starting-place for all things Stanwyck. The second goal for this Site is to provide Stanwyck fans with an active community on the web. Ray’s Yahoo Group, Miss Barbara Stanwyck, is an integral part of this community and we encourage you to join in and start participating.

This website is currently a work in progress, as you can see, there are many placeholders for future updates and information. This Site is also intended to be a collaborative effort, if you want to contribute in any way, shape or form, here’s where you can help:

  • Blog entries about you know who.
  • Write to Missy and Send us Missy stories.
  • Provide links to interesting reviews on Stanwyck movies and or career reviews.
  • Provide your own in-depth review of a Stany film.
  • Add-up to the quote vault with any new quotes by Barbara, about Barbara or Barbara’s film Quotes.
  • Contribute with graphic design.
  • Contribute with gif creation.
  • Give us any information that could be added to any of the Site’s Sections.
  • Suggest ideas to improve the Site’s content and functionality.
  • Send us Missy-related magazine articles to build-up a comprehensive collection in the magazine section– This Section is still in its infancy, but collecting information comes first and your contributions are much needed.
  • If you know credit information for any of the photos displayed on the website, please pass it along as we want to give proper credit. It was extremely challenging to find credit information on these photos and the task was beyond our scope and means, but I always believe in the power of the community, so, again, if you know credit information, please pass it along.
  • Last but not least… donations. Building the Site was quite costly. We do it for the love of Stanwyck, but all donations will help us greatly in making the Site much better. If you enjoyed this Site and want to help improve it with better graphic design and functionality, please consider a donation to help maintain and improve this Site. We are a non-for profit Site and all donations received will go entirely to improving the quality of the website.

Don’t be shy about contacting us with any ideas, suggestions contributions.
Please go to the acknowledgement tab at the top of this page to read all the important contributors that have made this website possible.


This Section acknowledges those Sites and individuals that have been instrumental in building the information contained in this Site, and as such, we want to give credit where credit is due.

Multimedia-Related Acknowledgements

These sites have contributed in providing the photos displayed in this website:

  • Miss Barbara Stanwyck Yahoo Group run by Ray Johnson , without my participation in this magnificent group of people I would have never started this website. Ray keeps the largest photo selection on Missy in this Yahoo Group Site.
  • Barbarastanwyck.tumblr.com – keeps one of the best and most elegant photoblogs on Missy.
  • Fuckyeahbarbarastanwyck.tumblr.com – a great Site for all things Stanwyck, including gifs and rarely seen photos.
  • www.doctormacro.com – THE best Classic Film Photo Site. Thanks for your support and help.
  • www.acertaincinema.com –  a wonderful selection of Missy pictures.
  • mariedeflor.tumblr.com – although not a Stanwyck-only Site, this Site has some of the best Stany Gifs in the Blogosphere and Anne has kindly accepted to have them displayed in this website.
  • www.movieposters.ha.com, and www.moviepostershop.com – large selection of classic movie posters.
  • Walterfilm.com has a wonderful collection of original classic film posters and lobby cards.

Site Information Acknowledgements

  • Suzanne Frasuer for her invaluable Stanwyck book reviews.
  • Ray Johnson for giving permission to feature his Stanwyck Film Reviews as displayed in the legendary Barbara Stanwyck thread in britmovie.co.uk
  • Rhonda Hawley for her help with photo selection and always being there to lend a hand.
  • www.imdb.com
  • www.ibdb.com
  • www.tcm.com – for being a model organization in fostering classic film appreciation in viewers of all ages and backgrounds. As a classic film lover, one cannot compliment TCM enough.
  • Starring Barbara Stanwyck by Ella Smith contains lots of valuable information and quotes that were used to build the quote vault and the awards Section.
  • www.radiogoldindex.com and www.otrsite.com information was invaluable in developing a comprehensive list of all Barbara Stanwyck’s radio shows appearances.

Other Links

  • Most Barbara Stanwyck books, movies commented on this Site are commercially available in www.amazon.com www.tcm.com and other DVD outlets.
  • www.allposters.com has a wonderful Selection of large Stany pics and posters ready for your wall

Please note that Barbara Stanwcyck – The Queen website is in no way affiliated with any of these links, the information provided is for informational purposes, there are no commercial bonds with any of the links provided. This is a non-for-profit Site, entirely dedicated for educational and community-building purposes.


Per the Fair Use Clause of Section 107 of the amended Copyright Act of 1976 (17 USC Section 107), images and text on this site are intended solely for non-profit educational purposes, to provide researchers and general readers with information about Barbara Stanwyck’s life and career.

Sources, both photo and text, have been credited when known. If you are the owner of any unintentionally uncredited information, I’ll gladly add a credit upon request. (Click the e-mail icon in the top right corner of the header). If you use info from this site for research papers, please credit the site or it’s original sources. Use of info for books, magazine articles, another website, etc., should also credit the site per standard practices and authorial etiquette.


Building the Site was quite costly, if you enjoyed this Site and want to help improve it with better graphic design and functionality, please consider a donation to help maintain and improve this Site. We are a non-for profit Site and all donations received will go entirely to improving the quality of the website.